+7 (999)-999-99-99
Our qualification allows to realize complex project transportation and well-organized delivery of cargo by all means of transport.

Why people choose
We carry out complex and responsible orders of enterprises of the defense industry, aerospace and nuclear industries, trade offices of foreign customers, the products of Russian enterprises and other customers.
We have the license of the FSB to work with the information constituting the state secret. We also included in the LIST of recommended companies of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) according to Enactment of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 216 dated March 21, 2001 “On Approval of Regulations for Selection of Companies Forwarding Military Purpose Products, Insurance Companies, being Partners of Military-technical cooperation-Affiliated Entities, in Insuring Forwarding of Military Purpose Products”.
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